Transition 2025

We aim to ensure that the transition from Primary school to Secondary school is a positive experience for both pupils and parents/carers.

Welcome to our Transition page

 Take a look at the school and hear from our students.

The transition process begins early in Year 6 when we invite you to our Open Evening; here, you can explore our facilities, curriculum and enrichment opportunities, hear from our Principal and Head of Year 7 and meet current staff and pupils. Applications must be made to Leicester City Council Admissions Department by the end of October.

At the beginning of March, pupils will receive news of their allocated school.

Our designated transition team then begins the transition process.

New Intake Parents Evening

On Wednesday 5.30 pm, 9th of April 2025, we invite parents/carers of future pupils to meet with the Principal and Transition Manager, and have the college systems explained and any concerns addressed.  Parents will receive an invitation email during the first week of March.

Primary School Visit

We aim to visit every future Judgemeadow pupil at their primary school to boost familiarity, discuss the transition process and answer questions put forward by both pupils and teachers. During these visits, Primary Visit Forms are completed: these forms provide us with important information that we take into account when creating form groups and choosing suitable tutors. For the transition team, this is the most informative aspect of the transition process.

SEN workshop

As we approach the end of the Summer term, our Support for Learning Team invites all pupils with Special Educational Needs to a half-day workshop. Here, pupils will meet teaching assistants and support staff who will be working with them during their time at Judgemeadow. This will be on Tuesday June 24th 2025.

Welcome 3,2,1

A worry for some pupils during the transition process is that they know very few other pupils, or, in some cases, none at all. To help ease the anxiety around these concerns, we invite all pupils joining us as one of 3 or 2 students, or as the only student, from their primary school to a half-day team building workshop. This will cover 'getting to know each other' exercises and help us place pupils together in form groups. This will be on Tuesday 24th of June 2025.

Intake Day 

On Wednesday 2nd of July 2025, we invite all Year 6 pupils who hold a place at Judgemeadow to our school. We use this time to introduce pupils to their form tutor and fellow tutees, tour facilities and experience sample lessons. By the end of the day, pupils will have gained insight into life at Judgemeadow and look forward to joining us in September.

Please note that the above strategies are aimed at reducing anxiety and promoting a positive transition from primary to secondary education. If you have any questions regarding our transition process, please contact the college reception who will put you in touch with our transition team: they will do their utmost to answer any concerns raised.

Preparing for the First Day

We are excited to welcome students into Year 7. The first day of Year 7 will be Wednesday 27th August 2025. On this page you will find a variety of information about life at Judgemeadow as well as a copy of the Transition booklet. Please bring this completed booklet with you on your first day of Year 7. If you have any further queries regarding Transition please email [email protected]

Welcome to Judgemeadow Click to view content here
All about Judgemeadow Click to view content here
How we support you at Judgemeadow Click to view content here
What will I learn in Year 7? Click to view content here


Transition pack 

We can’t wait for you to join us in August 2025! We know that this is a big step for you to leave Primary School and get ready to join us at Secondary School, so we want to put you at ease and prepare you as best we can. We have put together a booklet that you can download here.

School Transport

Students may choose to use the bus to travel to school. There are range of services available; please find our student transport options, including pricing options, here.

Pupil Premium

If your child is currently entitled to Pupil Premium funding, they may be eligible to continue to receive this funding at Judgemeadow. You can find out more about Pupil Premium at Judgemeadow here.

Useful Information

Frequently Asked Questions
Timings of the School Day
SEN and Vulnerable Students