We actively encourage students to participate in fundraising activities to help raise awareness and at the same time raise money for various good causes. This helps students in their organisational and leadership skills.Recent fundraising activities include donations to help the NHS during the virus outbreak, Children in Need, Remembrance Sunday, Salvation Army and Bake Sale.
helping the NHS
Caring Judgemeadow students donate items to the NHS.
Judgemeadow students at Beauchamp College have been working incredibility hard this week making some beautiful birdboxes and also visors which have been sent off to the NHS

Remembrance Sunday
The school took time out on 11th November to remember those who have fallen in conflicts around the world. Students went round during break & lunchtimes to sell poppies to raise over £100 for the Royal British Legion.
Well done to those who participated
Salvation Army
Year 7 students are making and donating Christmas food parcels to local people who are lonely/vulnerable/in need over the holiday season. They are collecting food from staff and students in the College and they will be made into food parcels, wrapped in festive wrapping paper and will include a Christmas card from the College. We will then deliver these parcels with selected students to The Salvation Army just before the end of term and they will distribute these in the local community.

Bake Sale
Recently a Bake sale was organised by Year 7 pupils. A great effort by all involved saw a total of £145.00 raised for Cancer Research