Welcome for New Year 7

A Welcome from our Principal, Jason Smith

A warm welcome from our Principal, Jason Smith. He’ll let you know a little bit our vision and expectations of you at Judgemeadow.

A welcome from Lionheart Trust CEO, Kath Kelly

We’re part of the Lionheart Educational Trust, a family of 11 schools based in and around Leicestershire. Kath Kelly, our CEO, would like to welcome you to the Lionheart Family too.

Our Uniform

Now on to something very important – fashion! Well, maybe not quite, but uniform is definitely an important part of school life. It helps all our students belong to Judgemeadow’s community and we take pride in seeing our students dressed so smartly every day. So, what will you need to wear?

Uniform is ordered through John Cheatle Schoolwear, with more information here.

EAL – English as an Additional Language

If your first language isn’t English, we’ll help support you when you join us, through our dedicated English as an Additional Language department. We’ll give you more information before you start school with us, but you can find out more here now.

Our SEND Provision

 We are committed to helping you fulfil your potential, which is why we organise our teaching to meet your needs. So, if you require extra support, our learning support assistants will work with you, to help you become an independent and resilient learner. Our SENDCO Sally Howgate is here to discuss how we can support you.

Virtually Tour Judgemeadow

Want to refresh your memory of what Judgemeadow looks like? Take a practice run through the corridors! Start your 3D Walkthrough here.
Or, watch our Virtual Tour!

If you have any questions, please get in touch at [email protected]