June 23, 2024

Clean Air Day 2024

On Clean Air Day, students from Judgemeadow Community College transformed Newhaven Road into a lively hub of creativity, as they emphasised the importance of air pollution.

The day saw the main road – situated adjacent to the main school building – closed, with members of the school community encouraged to use cleaner methods of transport.

Local primary school pupils were invited along and – alongside the Judgemeadow students – had fun engaging in a variety of activities. They used fluorescent colours to decorate the road in nature-inspired street art, conducted an experiment to investigate the impact of air pollution on trees, attended Eco Workshops, played games of football and cricket in the road and enjoyed an outdoor ukulele lesson hosted by Leicestershire Music.

The day was a resounding success, bringing the school and the community together and promoting the importance of sustainability and healthy living.