It is the aim of Judgemeadow Community College to make the examination experience as stress-free and successful as possible for all candidates.GCSE EXAM TIMETABLE SUMMER 2025
We hope this information will prove helpful for students and parents as you prepare to take your examinations. It includes details of the examination regulations and procedures to follow in the event of any problems occurring.
The awarding bodies (or examination boards) set down strict rules which must be followed for the conduct of examinations and Judgemeadow Community College is required to follow them precisely. You should, therefore, please pay particular attention to the Notice to Candidates.
Please refer to Frequently Asked Questions at the bottom of this page if you are taking any of your GCSE Exams in summer this year.
If you or your parents have any queries or need help or advice at any time before, during or after the examinations please contact:
The Examinations Office at: [email protected]
The school telephone number is: 0116 241 1920
Before the Examinations
Examination Boards
The College uses the following Examination Boards: AQA, Edexcel, OCR and WJEC.
Statements of Entry
All Candidates receive a statement of entry from school indicating the subjects they are being entered for and the levels of entry, where applicable. This happens every year in early March. Please check that these are correct. Some subjects only have one tier of entry, some have Foundation or Higher tiers. If you think something is wrong, speak to your subject teacher in the first instance and ask them to inform the exams office of the change in writing.
Particularly check that all personal details (date of birth, spelling of names) are accurate. Your statement of entry will show the name that will appear on certificate. Please check it against your name on legal documents. School advises that your legal forename and legal surname should appear on certificates for future university admissions and potential employers.
Candidate Name
Candidates are entered under the name format of a (Legal) First Name + One middle initial + (Legal) Surname, e.g. Adam J. Smith.
Candidate Number
Each candidate has a four-digit candidate number. This is the number that should be entered on all examination papers. It will appear next to your name on seating plans, examination registers and the card on your allocated desk in the exam room. Please remember it.
If you have a clash of examinations please see the Exams Office as soon as possible to clarify your arrangements. You will normally take one exam, have a short supervised break and then take your 2nd exam. If your break is over lunchtime you will need to bring a packed lunch. You will not be allowed to use a mobile phone during this time and if you need to go to the toilet you will be escorted by staff.
Contact Numbers
Please check that college an up-to-date contact number for you.
Make sure you have all the correct equipment before your examinations.
During the Examinations
Examination Regulations
All the rules and regulations for candidates set out by the joint council for Qualifications (JCQ) and are available on their website. All candidates must read this carefully and note that breach of any of the examination rules or regulations could lead to disqualification from all subjects. The school must report any breaking of regulations to the examination board.
Attendance at Examinations
Candidates are responsible for checking their own timetable and arriving at school on the correct day and time, properly dressed in school uniform and equipped. Candidates must arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start time of their examination.
Candidates who arrive late for an examination may still be admitted but a report will be sent to awarding body and it will be up to them to accept script or not.
School uniform must be worn for all examinations. Coats, jackets, scarves etc will not be allowed in the examination rooms.
All items of equipment, pens, pencils, mathematical instruments, etc. should be visible to the invigilators at all times. You must either use a transparent pencil case or clear plastic bag.
Pens must be black ink or ballpoint only. No erasable, correction pens or fluid are allowed. For Mathematics, and Science exams students should make sure their calculators conform to the examination regulations and please check that the batteries are new. If in doubt, check with your teacher. Covers must be removed and placed inside your bags before you enter examination room.
We do not guarantee to have spare equipment for you and cannot supply calculators unless yours stops working during the exam. They cannot be shared between students.
Examination regulations are very strict regarding items that may be taken into the examination room. If you break these rules you may be disqualified from the examination.
Mobile telephones, watches (analogue or digital) and other electronic devices must be switched off and placed inside your bags before you enter examination room. If a mobile phone (or any other type of electronic communication or storage device) is found in your possession during an examination (even if it is turned off) it will be taken from you and a report made to the appropriate exam board. No exceptions can be made. Please be advised that school will not accept any responsibility for damage and loss to mobile phones/watches.
No food or drink is allowed in the examination rooms, except for water in a clear bottle with the label removed.
Please do not write on examination desks. This is regarded as vandalism and appropriate action will be taken.
Do not draw graffiti or write offensive comments on examination papers – if you do the examination board may refuse to accept your paper.
Listen carefully to instructions and notices read out by the invigilators – there may be amendments to the exam paper that you need to know about.
Check you have the correct question paper – check the subject, paper and tier of entry at the start of the examination.
Do not attempt to communicate with or distract other candidates.
Read all instructions carefully and number your answers clearly.
Candidates will not be allowed to leave an examination room early. If you have finished the paper use any time remaining to check over your answers and that you have completed your details correctly.
At the end of the examination all work must be handed in – remember to cross out any rough work. If you have used more than one answer book or loose sheets of paper, ask for a treasury tag to fasten them together in the correct order. Ensure that you have written your name, candidate number and centre number on all additional sheets.
Invigilators will collect your exam papers before you leave the room. Absolute silence must be maintained during this time. Remember you are still under examination conditions until you have left the room.
Question papers, answer booklets and additional paper must NOT be taken from the exam room.
Remain seated in silence until told to leave the examination room. Please leave the room in silence and show consideration for other candidates who may still be working.
If the fire alarm sounds during an examination the examination invigilators will tell you what to do. Don’t panic. If you have to evacuate the room, you will be asked to leave in silence and in the order in which you are sitting. You will be escorted to a designated assembly point. Leave everything on your desk. You must not attempt to communicate with anyone else during the evacuation. When you return to the exam room do not start writing until the invigilator tells you to. You will be allowed the full working time for the examination and a report will be sent to the awarding body detailing the incident.
The school employs invigilators to conduct the examinations. Students are expected to behave in a respectful manner towards all invigilators and follow their instructions at all times.
Subject specialist teachers will normally be present outside the examination hall only.
Invigilators are in the examination rooms to supervise the conduct of the examination. They will distribute and collect the examination papers, tell candidates when to start and finish the examination, hand out extra writing paper if required and deal with any problems that occur during the examination, for example if a candidate is feeling ill.
Please note that invigilators cannot discuss the examination paper with you or explain the questions.
Pupils who are disruptive or behave in an unacceptable manner will be reported to Exams Office and a malpractice report will be sent as per exam board guidelines.
Absence from Examinations
If you experience difficulties during the examination period (e.g. illness, injury, bereavement and personal problems etc.) please inform school at the earliest possible point so we can help or advise you.
All exceptional circumstances must be reported to exams office immediately. It is essential that medical or other appropriate evidence is obtained on the day by the candidate/parent and given to the Examination Officer without delay. A self-certification form (JCQ/ME Form 14) is available on the JCQ website which can be sent to school.
If an unfortunate or exceptional circumstance had a significant impact on student’s performance or results in student missing an exam altogether, school will assess the situation and apply for special consideration.
Please note that misreading the timetable will not be accepted as a satisfactory explanation of absence.
It is advised to make your own calendar of revision and actual exams. You can take copies and save pictures of your timetable on your phone. Set appropriate reminders and seek caregiver’s support in getting to exam on time.
After the Examinations
Notification of Results
Results will be available for collection on the fourth Thursday in August.
If you wish any other person (including family members) to collect your results on your behalf, you must give your written authorisation from your school email address and they must bring photo identification.
Candidates who do not collect their results on results day will be able to collect them from the school between 9am & 3pm during the new academic year.
No results will be given out by telephone under any circumstances.
After Your Results
The details about different post-result services can be obtained from the JCQ Website. If you need post-results advice, staff will be available on Results Day.
Presentation of Certificates
You will be informed of the certificate collection date in January. After this date you will be able to collect certificates from college between 9am & 3pm during the academic year. Again, if you wish any other person (including family members) to collect your certificates on your behalf, you must give your written authorisation from your school email address and they must bring photo identification. Certificates are only retained in school for 1 year. Please look after your certificates carefully they are the only proof of your grades accepted by employers, colleges & universities. If you lose them, you can apply for replacement certificates on awarding body’s website.
non examination assessments (NEA's)
Some of the Level 2 courses and subjects offered at Judgemeadow include either controlled assessments, coursework, non-examination assessments or portfolios of evidence that are internally assessed and standardised and which then contribute to the final grade of the qualification. Final marks are then submitted to the awarding body which conducts an external moderation of candidates work. These internal assessments are conducted and marked in accordance with awarding body’s specifications and as per JCQ guidelines for conducting non-examination assessments. Learners are made aware of ‘Information to Candidates’ regarding coursework and NEAs. Candidates are informed of their internally assessed marks and given sufficient time to enquire about any possible review from their subject teacher. A written Internal Appeals Policy is in place if any candidate has any concerns about their coursework/NEA marks which can be obtained via email from [email protected].
Frequently Asked Questions
The school will re-schedule papers internally (on the same day) where there is a clash of papers. If you have a clash of components up to 3 hours in time you will sit one paper after another. If sitting two or more papers takes you over 3 hours, candidates will normally sit one paper then have a break during which they will be supervised and must not have any communication with other candidates. They will then sit the second subject paper. Please confirm your own arrangements with the Exams Office and not what others in your class are doing, they may not have the same clash as you. It may be necessary for you to bring a packed lunch if you have exams in the morning and afternoon as you will have to remain under supervision until both examinations are completed. Please be informed that you will not be allowed to use your mobile phone during this time.
Invigilators will ask you to check before the exam starts. If you think something is wrong put your hand up and tell the invigilator immediately.
Candidate Numbers are printed on seating lists, which are displayed on the exam notice board, and on attendance registers. It will also be on your card on your desk. Invigilators will be able to help you find your number.
The Centre Number is 25228. It will be clearly displayed in the examination rooms.
Inform college at the earliest possible point so we can help or advise you. In most cases, candidate can still attempt exams with some additional arrangements. You may need to obtain medical evidence (from your GP or hospital) and fill out self-certification form (JCQ/ME Form 14) and email it to [email protected] as soon as possible.
Put your hand up and an Invigilator will assist you. You should inform an invigilator if you feel ill before or during an exam and you feel this may have affected your performance.
You should get to school as quickly as possible and report to the main office. You must not enter an examination room without permission after an examination has begun. Please be advised that you may be permitted to sit for your exam and have full duration but a report will be sent to awarding body and it will be at their discretion to accept your script or not. If at all possible please let the school know that you are on your way but will be late. Please ensure that you allow enough time to get to school so that if you are delayed (e.g. through transport problems) you will still arrive on time.
No. Timetables are regulated by the exam boards and you must attend on the given date and time.
YES – You may be refused entry to the examination room if you are not in uniform.
Normally, pens, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, ruler, protractor, compass and water in a clear bottle are allowed in an examination room. Calculators are only allowed in some papers. You are responsible for providing your own equipment for examinations. You must not attempt to borrow equipment from another candidate during the examination.
Mobile phones, watches or any electric equipment (iPod etc) are not allowed in examination room. No food or drink is allowed except plain water in clear bottle.
Bags and coats and any other items are not permitted under examination regulations. They must be left in your locker or space provided before you enter examination room. You should not bring any valuables into school with you when you attend for an examination.
If you must bring a mobile phone this should be switched off and placed inside your bag before you enter examination venue. The school will not accept any responsibility for any loss/damage to mobile phones and other valuables.
Being in possession of a mobile ‘phone (or any other electronic communication device, e.g. iPod, headphones) is regarded as malpractice and is subject to severe penalty from the awarding bodies. Penalties can include disqualification from a component or from whole qualification. In extreme situations, a candidate may be disqualified from all the qualifications taken in that series.
The length of the examination is shown in minutes on your individual timetable under the heading ‘duration’. Invigilators will tell you when to start and finish the exam. They will write the finish time of the exam on a flip chart or board at the front of the exam room. There will be a clock in all examination rooms.
It is not the college’s policy to allow candidates to leave the exam room early, as this is disruptive to other candidates. A candidate may not leave the examination room without the permission of the Invigilators.
The examination invigilators will tell you what to do. If you have to evacuate the room leave everything on your desk and leave the room in silence. You must not attempt to communicate with any other candidates during the evacuation.
You will not be allowed any toilet breaks during first hour and last 15 minutes of examination. You will be escorted by an Invigilator and will not be allowed any extra time.
Pupils who have examinations in both morning and afternoon sessions are advised to bring a packed lunch.
The details on your Statement of Entry are used by awarding bodies to print certificates. If the name or date of birth on your certificates does not match your birth certificate/passport it could cause you problems if you are asked to show your certificates to a potential employer or for college/university at some time in the future. You should also check that the subjects and tiers of entry you are entered for are correct and that no subjects are missing.
Some students receive an allowance of 25% extra time. Where possible such candidates will be seated in a separate room or together to minimize disturbance from other candidates who finish earlier. The invigilators will include the additional time when they display the finishing time of your exam on the board.
Teaching staff will be available to advise you on results day. If you feel strongly that it is necessary to make an enquiry about your result you should first consult the Head of Subject to obtain their advice about post-result services. You should be aware that your mark/grade could be lowered, raised or stay as same. The examination boards make a charge for this service which is normally specified in an information leaflet you receive with your statement of result.
If you require any further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at [email protected] or call 0116 241 1920 and speak to Examinations Officer.