Student Voice
Our students have clear views relating to their learning and are encouraged to feel confident to articulate these.At Judgemeadow we believe all students should have a voice related to their learning. Significant status and worth is afforded to Student Voice, with the involvement of key staff, students and parents.
This engagement of student voice is engendered through:
- the creation and utilisation of the Student Councils
- the “You Said, We Did” slips initiative
- the feedback students receive on their own learning
- the personalised reviewing students undertake of their own targets
- the departmental and whole-school quality assurance processes that take place
Developing students’ self-esteem through giving voice to their opinions and sharing ideas is also an integral part of our PDC programme. Nearly all PDC lessons involve dedicated time for paired and group discussion, led by teaching staff, to explore contemporary topics and issues and to increase students understanding of the world around them.
There is a Student Council for each year group, which is made up of one elected member from each form. Each year group has the opportunity to research, discuss, explore and finally select their own project or concern to work on. Some of this year’s examples include:
- developing strategies to reduce the use of plastics across the school
- concerted effort and promotion to invite members of the local community in to watch the school Spring/Summer Shows
- the organisation of a quiz night for students
Representatives from each Student Council year group have the opportunity to attend the Lionheart Student Executive Conference, where the focus this year was student well-being and embracing challenges. Last year’s Student Executive Council successfully planned and organised the Judgemeadow Charity Coffee morning.
Judgemeadow has a trained team of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors who visit year 7 tutor groups on a weekly basis to offer support for students and form teachers. In addition to this the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors staff a drop-in room for students every Friday. They are available to listen, offer advice or just be a quiet place for other students to attend.
As a result of student voice feedback the Judgemeadow Eco-Committee has recently been reformed and has already begun projects including the recycling of Walkers crisp packets, the growing of plants and an organised litter pick.