Learning Resource Centre
The Centre provides information, resources, printing and IT facilities to support teaching and learning.
Resources include books, DVDs, magazines and computers. The LRC Manager, Miss Karim, is available to help with enquiries.
opening times
Open during morning break and lunchtime
Afterschool Club: 2.45pm - 3.45pm Monday to Friday

Elliot’s mum is ill and his home is under threat, but a shooting star crashes to earth and changes his life forever. The star is Virgo – a young Zodiac goddess on a mission. But the pair accidentally release Thanatos, a wicked death daemon imprisoned beneath Stonehenge, and must then turn to the old Olympian gods for help.

In an unnamed Third World country, in the not-so-distant future, three “dumpsite boys” make a living picking through the mountains of garbage on the outskirts of a large city. One unlucky-lucky day, Raphael finds something very special and very mysterious.

One night, Starr and her childhood friend Khalil get pulled over by police. They end up shooting and killing Khalil after apparently mistaking the boy's hairbrush for a gun. Starr is the only witness and has to decide whether to use her voice to try and fight for justice. What follows is a brilliant and fantastically told exploration of race in America - and of growing up, too.

Newly arrived from Ghana with his mother and older sister, Harrison Opoku lives on the ninth floor of a block of flats on a London housing estate. When a boy is knifed to death on the high street and the police appeal for witnesses draws only silence, Harri decides to start a murder investigation of his own.

Twelve-year-old Amir is desperate to win the local kite-fighting tournament and his loyal friend Hassan promises to help him. But neither of the boys can foresee what will happen to Hassan that afternoon, an event that is to shatter their lives.
Readathon gets pupils reading with the added benefit of raising money for children in hospital. It gives children a universal opportunity for them to develop an awareness of, and to take direct action to improve the lide of a fellow child.
- Schools that have run Readathon have higher attainment levels than schools that don't and schools that run it every year attain the highest of all
- Independent research shows that pupils taking part in Readathon enjoy reading more, are more likely to read in their free time, read more widely and use the school library and are happier
- Children in hospital are among the most deprived in the UK. Almost all surveyed said they were cheered up by Read for Good's books and storytellers and those who said they don't regularly read at home, 86% were encouraged to read more when they left hospital.
motivation | inclusion | rewards | results |
All pupils are motivated to read because the sponsor money raised helps buy books and storyteller visits for your local childrens hospital | From comics to classics and audio books to blogs - choice is crucial to make reading more fun for all types of pupils from keen to reluctant readers | You'll receive a free books voucher worth 20% of the amount your pupils raise to spend at Scholastic Book Clubs - boosting your school library | Independent research shows that school sattain higher results when they run Readathon - especially when they run it year after year. |
What is Reading Rampage?
Many students in their first years at secondary school need a boost with their enthusiasm for reading. Reading Rampage has been designed to inspire, motivate and develop students aged 11- 13 to become more active readers. The initiative aims to encourage reading for pleasure and to promote awareness of new titles and authors. It is launched with participating schools at the end of January and then from February to June, 10 great books will be read and explored by young people in year 7 and 8 in schools; the most highly rated is then voted for by the students.
The top book is announced at an awards event in June with as many of the nominated authors as possible in attendance. Schools are provided with five copies of each shortlisted book, along with resources and promotional materials to help with the delivery of the initiative in schools.
For the 2022 running of Reading Rampage the list of shortlisted books can be found here.
Reading Rampage is a big competition at Judgemeadow and at the end of every Rampage, Miss Karim organises a celebration party to acknowledge all those students who have worked hard and improved their reading.
At Judgemeadow, we believe that everyone deserves the best opportunities and therefore we are proud as a school to provide extra support to our students who use English as an additional language. A learner of English as an Additional Language (EAL) is a pupil whose first language is other than English. First language is the language to which the child was initially exposed during early development and continues to use this language in the home and community. Starting school while being an EAL student can be daunting but here at Judgemeadow we try and make the transition as smooth as possible. We provide reading interventions as well has extra lessons in English so that we can provide an excellent foundation for learning English. We have had many students benefit from these interventions and helps them to access mainstream lessons. We know that pupils’ acquisition of an additional language is greatly enhanced by exposure to the language in use in everyday settings, both formal and informal. For students from homes where English is not the primary means of communication, it is the school situation and its various contexts which can develop pupils’ skills from basic conversational competence to academic proficiency in the language providing that attention is given to their specific needs and that their needs are not confused with pupils with learning difficulties. We know from research that using more than one language is cognitively beneficial and that across the World, using more than one language is the norm.
Within the classroom, the extent to which the teacher is able to give attention to individual EAL learners’ needs is of course important: but equally valuable is the planning of interaction with other students especially when lessons are organised in ways which require purposeful work (particularly talk) in small groups.